Maharlika Backyard Ultra 2023 last man standing is Jc Murillo!

Finishing as assist on his previous Backyard Ultra event, Murillo bounced back and finally scored his first win as he was hailed as the lone winner of Maharlika Backyard Ultra 2023 yesterday at Camp Sandugo, San Mateo, Rizal. He outlasted 37 competitors and completed an impressive 18 laps (yards) covering a total distance of 120.71 KM in 17:56:15, just a few minutes before the cut off of the 18th lap.

The participants of MBU 2023 showed tenacity and perseverance as the wet and sludgy trail under the blazing sun made the route more challenging. Truly an exciting race format, Backyard Ultra also proved to be unpredictable as several MBU runners who showed enormous strength during the early stage of the race suddenly decided to call it a day and refused to continue with the next lap.

Jhayr Sadje Crescini, one of the early favorites, made it to the final 4 but eventually bowed out of contention after finishing lap 15, leaving the elusive chance to the top 3 – JC Murillo, Julius Iglesias and Arnulfo Aquino.

It was a tough night among the final 3 as they went neck and neck during the waning hours of the race. Murillo refused to surrender, survived all the odds and eventually won the battle.

Coming from a long trail break, Julius Iglesias made a huge come back and gave Murillo a run for his money. The former champion settled as assist and completed 17 laps (114 KM). He went on and attempted to complete his 18th lap but failed to finish it on time.

Arnulfo Aquino, who also settled as assist, completed 17 laps (114 KM) but refused to continue with lap #18.

MBU 2023 also uncovered the relentless performance of Krizia Bondad who’s just new to trail running. She completed 12 laps (80.47 KM), went on for her 13th but did not make it on time.

For the official race result, please click this link.

We would also like to thank the following:

Camp Sandugo, San Mateo

San Mateo MDRRMO

Engr. Desiderio Fuerte of Eldorado Property

Event partners – Buzz Fuel, Capybars Philippines, Atlas Endurance Philippines

Event sponsors – Sinaunang Ugat, Ahon, Ysa Sabater

Friends and volunteers who helped us in staging this event

In addition, we’re also keen to hear your thoughts about MBU 2023. Please fill out the survey form here.
